AWS Route 53 provides DNS Configuration of hosted Domain AWS WAF is a web application firewall that prevents Web App against common web exploits.
Month: August 2021
What are DAOs? One of the main benefits of Ethereum is that it enables a community of strangers to pool value together and execute on
Explore the well architecture frameworks of AWS, Azure and Google Cloud. Below collate a list of resources for Well Architect framework for AWS, Azure and
This is a tutorial Guide by Google Cloud, just that I modify the sample web application for the demonstration purpose. Reference: Enable your billing
Trying to explore a new Big Data Framework with a internet accessible network with single training instance, in order not to mix with out applications,
Task print Hello, World! on your screen def main(): my_string = “Hello, World!” print (my_string) if __name__ == ‘__main__’: main() Task Given an integer, ,
Pre-requisite: Metamask installed in Chrome Get at least 1 testing kovan ether from (Note: This may take up to a few hours until the
A data lake is an increasingly popular way to store and analyze data because it allows companies to store all of their data, structured and