SSH Login to a new instance (with Kubenetes installed) with newly created AWS VPC from VPC Template

Trying to explore a new Big Data Framework with a internet accessible network with single training instance, in order not to mix with out applications, just use the AWS VPC template to create a new VPC for such purpose.


Launch VPC Wizard

Go with VPC with single public subnet

Everything else go with default

Create the subnet

Create a new ec2 instance (build from Kubernetes AMI)within the VPC

You may go with the free tier

Use the VPC just created

Create a new security group with SSH port 22 accessible from my IP for now

Create a new keypair for this particular instance

Once your instance is running, get the instance public IP by clicking in the instance ID

we have the public key downloaded previously, now convert the pem to ppk using puttygen

Generate the private key

then save your private key in a location where you can load for SSH login later

start your putty, input your public IP of the newly created instance

Load your private key (*.ppk) in the Connection=>SSH=>Auth

Open the SSH connection and login

type kubectl clusterinfo

Now we have a training instance for kubernetes.

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